Links For FREE Patterns and Tutorials

Friday, December 23, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sewin', Crochetin' and Gettin' Creative......Oh My!

Here's some of the things I've been making the last month.
I've been really busy trying to put things in my Etsy Shop to make money for Christmas.

 I crocheted this slouchy hat and a cowl neck scarf
out of a wool and acrylic blend yarn. 
I just kinda made up the pattern off of other hats that I've made.

 another slouchy hat of of a mixture of tweed yarns.

 and I crocheted this rug out of recycled bed sheets.
Can you guess which 2 characters are the main part of the rug?

 These snowmen looked really cute when I put them on a piece of jute
 and added some strips of torn fabric onto the jute. 
My picture of that didn't turn out to well though.

 I love this little dress ornament. 
 I've made dresses out of paper and used them as garland before,
 but I saw some larger fabric dresses on Etsy and loved them,
 so here's my version. 
I made several little dresses and accessorized each one a little different.
This dress I crocheted a collar and cuffs onto the dress and then added a crocheted hand muff.

and then I've been really busy making little felt ornaments and pins. 
 I wanted to get my brother a bottle of wine for Christmas so I made a reversible bag with a handle, then attached a piece of jute that I crocheted and added a felt ornament. 

Everyone is getting homemade gifts this year from us
so I better get busy and finish up some of my other projects.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hats, Hats, and More Hats

I have been busy lately crocheting some fun hats... A friend on Facebook wanted some fish hats for her kids. I played with a few patterns until I came up with these.

My Daughter's (20) friend Beth has a small-ish dog that she just loves. I saw this doggie snowman hat and just had to make it for her. Suzi's head is a bit larger than her dog's but I needed a model.  Suzi tolerates me so well.

Beth asked if I could please make her a hat and she decided on a puppy hat. I gave it to her last week and she wore it when they went to a concert over in Miami lol. She definitely loves her hat!

Beth's brother Peter loves tigers and lions and most big cats so I decided he should have a silly animal hat too.  I used this pattern  but since Peter is 18 I gave him smaller fuzzy cheeks.  He will be getting his hat this weekend.

I had made a kitty kat scarf and purse for a little girl recently so I thought it would be fun to make a kitty kat hat to match.

and finally...I also made this toddler sized owl hat from a pattern I purchased. I don't have it in front of me at the moment so I can't tell you where I found it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Stockings

Alright ladies, it's time to get back to posting.  I love reading about everything you are working on and seeing how it's Christmas time I'm guessing many of you have projects that are either made, being made or on the ever growing to do list. 
To keep the blog from dying like it's currently doing or has done, how about we try to post something at least once a week?  Who wants to share?  Come on you know you have some awesome project that is going to inspire us.

Alright at the risk of ruining the surprise for Cheryl I'm going to show a little glimpse of my almost completed stocking for Aunt Pitty Pat's stocking swap.  Earlier this week I got my stocking in the mail from Cheryl and it's AWESOME.  Really, you all should be jealous she was my partner.  It's okay if you want to shed a few tears because you didn't join the swap or didn't have Cheryl.  Now dry your eyes and keep a watch over at APP's for her next swap.  It might be a while before she does another, but I can guarantee it will be fun.

Okay, here's the peak at my stocking for Cheryl...

I was going to give you a looksy at the top but I'm going to save it. =)  This is the heel of the stocking.

Now Cheryl's stocking for me... is it fair to share her work?  Ah, why not.  She can come on and add to it.  It's still stuffed with all the goodies she sent other then the ornament.  I want to be able to hang it on my tree so I took it out of the stocking.  I decided to wait on everything else.  I figure my husband is deployed so I might as well save some surprises for myself. =)  BTW, I took these with my phone so they are on the dark side and the color isn't spot on.

 I love that she used random buttons.  I like adding buttons to my daughter's clothes to make flowers, butterflies, ect.
 Here's a closer look at the snowflake.  My favorite part is the little beads on each point.
 Check this guy out.  No, all snowmen DON'T have to be made up of three balls.  Besides his happy face and the mittens on his stick arms, I love his BIG buttons. =)  Perhaps I'm just a button fan?  Hmmm...  Cheryl you might just be getting come buttons on yours.
And here it is!!!!  Notice the toe and heel of the stocking are both pointed.  Love it!  Thanks Cheryl!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

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•°*”˜˜”*°• From our house to your house •°*”˜˜”*°•
•°*”˜˜”*°•Happy Thanksgiving to your family and friends•°*”˜˜”*°•

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Photo by:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hats for Everyone!

I've been crocheting hats like crazy lately.
They are pretty fun, cute and something the kids will use.
I like that!

 Ezie is wearing an owl hat.  I am suppose to make him a purple one today,
because purple is "the color".
I bought this pattern from

 My grandson Owen is wearing this cute hat.  He loves the braids, even though his Daddy thinks they look to girlish.  Come on dad...they're entertainment!  Owen's head is a little bigger than I thought though so I think I need to come down a little further on the forehead with this hat.  I got the free pattern on

 Jace wanted an one eyed-monster hat.  I just made the pattern up for this one.  He puts the ear flaps up while he's playing in the house and it looks like the monster has ears.

I made some newborn and preemie pumpkin hats and Mallory wanted one for herself.  She is my little pumpkin!  I used the free pattern from that posted.  I just enlarged the pattern for an adult size.  I'll give you the directions for increasing if anyone wants them.

So, I'm off to crochet some more hats.
Have a great day!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall & Halloween 2011

I stared my creations for the fall . Here is little pumpkin prim folk from Threadare
Primitives.This is a sweet and easy pattern to follow ..........
My next doll is the cutest little witch but I can not seem to find who designed the pattern !!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thought you like to see !!!!

Here is the winter wreath to the series. Just spring and summer to make !!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Two new 6" sampler quilt-alongs starting ....

Michele in Calgary, who is one of the Mods with me at The Quilted Table Yahoo Group, posted this info in one of our other groups, so I thought I would pass the info along to you.

Jenifer Dick, author of Quilt Retro, is beginning a free quilt-along on her blog. It's two samplers (6" blocks) - each week a new block will be featured for the two samplers and a pic-tutorial to make the block for the modern sampler or the traditional sampler. Modern Monday, or Traditional Tuesday.

So drop in check them out.
Sharon Z in Upstate NY
Quilting With a Marmalade Cat

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pattern and Fabric Giveaway

Pattern and Fabric Giveaway

You can win a tree skirt pattern and some fabric :o)

Ends on Monday 5th September.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crocheted Cuddle Cocoons

I am so excited that I am learning to crochet
and more excited that I am learning to read the patterns.

This one is my favorite!
We don't know if our 5th grandbaby is a boy or girl
so I made one for each just in case!
To see more you can go Here!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A 5.8 earthquake rolled under my home at 1:51  It's epicenter was about 100 miles away, and 3.7 miles deep.  Getting ready for  hurricane Irene, due to be here on Sunday a.m. What else could Nature send my way?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New pillows

We recently bought a new couch. I've always wanted a nice puffy couch with lots of pillows. I picked up a couple pillow forms at Walmart recently and decided to try my hand at pillow covers. I've never made a pillow cover before. For some reason I thought it would be difficult but I was very wrong. The hardest part was choosing the fabric. I found this dragonfly fabric at JoAnn's a few months back. I had no need for it, I just liked it. The back is cut from a flat twin sheet that I bought on sale. The colors work perfectly with our tan couch. Plus, I can change out the covers whenever the mood strikes me. I followed a simple tutorial over at Sparkle Power! I think I will make some quilted covers next.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Started Fall Creations !!!

Thanks Brenda,
I love your patterns. Must have almost all of them. My boss was looking through my patterns and wanted me to create your simplicity wreath. I hope you don't get mad, I am changing one thing. The tag is going to say Autumn instead of simplicity.
One ? what did you use to make the tag .....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Repost from AuntPittyPats Blog

My niece started her first day of school at her new Magnet school. She was interviewed and selected to go to the Art Magnet School in our area this year. What is one of the staples for an ART School???? Of course an ART BAG. She had to have a new art bag to take... and guess who was asked to make one for her??? If you guessed The Pitty your wrong.. it was Auntie M :) 

Little Missy S loves the Beatles.. 
I incorporated some Yellow Submarine fabric in to her bag.... 
She loved loved loved it....
By the way Ms Nadine thank you for sharing the Beatles fabrics with me!!!
You made one little girl very happy!!

Look at this Happy Grin on her face!!! 
Missy S sent me a note via FB and told me she would carry it to school everyday! 
I am so happy she loved it!!
My sister was amazed.. she knows that I made it up as I sewed it together ;)
This was my second try at an art bag.. they keep getting better and better.. 
Maybe one day I will make one that is perfect!!

All art work photos are by my Niece Missy S...... Aren't they fun?
Please don't copy her art work..

Monday, August 1, 2011

More Chicken Scratch

I am so excited about learning chicken scratch.
Just wanted to show you one of the things I have been working on.
I plan to make a pillow or frame it.
Perfect, no! But at least I am trying.
I have been trying to learn a lot lately and this is one of them.
I am loving doing handwork!
If you would like to see more of what I am learning you can click Here!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another Great Give-Away

Little Cottage Comforts is holding an awesome Go baby give away..... Run by check out this great blog and enter for your chance to win this great item.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kim Sherrod Studio: Fundraising For A Friend

Kim Sherrod Studio: Fundraising For A Friend

Bag Ladies...let's see if we can all help Kim raise some funds for her friend.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby GO! Giveaway...

Baby GO! Giveaway...

Drawn on August 1st 2011, Australian time.....good luck, but I sooooo want to win one, so maybe if you don't want it, you can gift your prize to me!


Meet Mable !!!

Here she is the finished Dollie !!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Been Missing in Action !

Sorry I have been away for so long. Life's ups and downs has been keeping me very busy and haven't had time to sew. I am back and ready I already created and sold a doll and two others have been requested. The doll I made is a combination of patterns which the customer asked for. I used the body from Lille Maes' Mothers's Love and the face from Judi Ward's Wide eyed wendy. They loved here now I am working on the other two unfortunately the fabric was out and Joann's and I got another hope they like ....
I missed you girls !!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Just Thought My Hat Was Finished

I went to my crochet class and my teacher showed me how to add fur to my crocheted hat!
This is my cute daughter modeling it for me!
You can read more about my crochet class Here!
Isn't it cute??

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Did It!!

I am taking a crochet class here in my town.
I have only been to 2 classes so far!!
I love it and am having so much fun. 
I have always wanted to learn the correct way to crochet. 
This may not be perfect but I did it myself!!
I just wanted to share my excitement.
You can read more about it on my BLOG!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Skye Reve Fabrics Give-Away #13 - Who wants to WIN a $25 Shop Credit?

Skye Reve Fabrics Give-Away #13 - Who wants to WIN a $25 Shop Credit?

Would be handy for us Aussie o/s crafters....with the dollar being so good against the greenback!

Good Luck

Preschool Teacher Gift

Last month my daughter completed her first year of school.  It didn't technically count seeing how it was preschool for three year olds or K3.

Her teacher was an amazing lady who made every penny of her private school tuition worth it.  What we didn't know until the end of the year was that her husband's job moved him back in November.  The teacher stayed back to both finish the year with her students and to allow her two kids to finish the year.  We are so thankful she did.  In the years past she taught K4 and was able watch the children grow throughout the years. 

On Kaitlyn Joy's first day of school older kids were popping their heads in to tell their old teacher hello.  I quickly realized Kj wouldn't be able to see her teacher later for quick hellos.  Nor would Mrs M be able to see her last 12 grow up. 

I sent an envelope of paper to school asking Mrs M to trace each child's hand.  I then traced the hands onto
 Wonder Under, cut them out, ironed them to green fabric, then cut them out leaving a 1/8" edge all the way around.  I arranged the hands then ironed them on and sewed them down one by one.  I left the 1/8" raw edge so it could fray.

Once the tree was done I finished the outer edge of the quilt top with different strip lengths.  In the first photo you can see an orange square at the bottom.  The Amish put an odd colored patch in their personal quilts to remind themselves that no one is perfect.  I thought that was neat so I added the orange patch to the quilt.  Once the quilt top was done I used the traced hand prints as templates to trace each child's hand print around the tree with blue washable ink.  I also put their name next to their handprint.  I used free motion quilting to add the hands and names to the quilt.
To quilt the outer edge, along the bottom I put, "Mrs M-------'s 2010-2011 Class".  I learned something when doing the year...  it's hard to sew numbers where they are joined and don't look odd.  Starting on the right side and going counterclockwise I sewed a note to the teacher thanking her for planting the seeds of faith into our children and the "address" to the verse about how the mustard seed is one of the smallest yet it grows into a tree.  She loved it!

The last photo is of Kj getting ready to take the quilt to school.  It was the second to the last day and everyone wore pajamas.
EDIT: I forgot to mention I sewed the names, hand prints and boarder note in thread that matched the tree background.  I didn't want the quilting to stand out even though it was special to her.  I figure it was something she could look for and discover.  I had both teachers and the ladies in the front office telling me they saw and loved it.  I told them I was taking bids for who would be Kj's teacher next year. =)  Hey, I have to bring that tuition down somehow.  Hehehe...

*Sorry, I've been MIA ladies.  We had a rough first five months of 2011.  I ended up not making the baby blankets I posted about probably back in March.  I also stopped crocheting the blanket.  At the end of March I had a missed miscarriage.  It was rough time.  Two weeks after the D&C I got the test results back and learned the little girl appeared fine, but the little boy had sever problems.  I'm thankful God knows better then I do and decided to take them both back with him.  My son, if he had made it full term and survived birth, would/could have died minutes after birth, perhaps made it close to a year, or would have been severally handicapped and died at some point during his childhood.  I'm better with all of this now, but wanted you all to know why I've been MIA.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Card Wallet Tutorial

Happy Tuesday (or whatever day it is wherever you live)! I thought I would share a tutorial I whipped up on Apron Valley Road for my card wallet - I use mine for all my cards - debit/credit, store loyalty, driver's license, punch cards and a book of postage stamps (no wonder it's always bulging at the seams!). Here's the link to that post: Card Wallet Tutorial. It will also (I'm told) be on One Pretty Thing's Daily DYI sometime today.

And while you're on Apron Valley Road, take a PEEP at my post about our new chicken "coupe:" Hippie Chicks Chicken Coupe.  I think it goes nicely with the "Chicken Scratch" posts below, LOL! Have a great week!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello Ladies ;)

I was just looking at all the followers that we now have here in Pins and Needles. There are still a few openings for contributors. If you would like to be able to post on the blog.. please send me an E-MAIL and I will send you an invite. You have to be invited and be approved through blogger to be able to post. Everyone is welcome to comment. We love comments ;)
I would love to see some of you that are not posting, post something.  All of us would enjoy seeing your work.. I know I have enjoyed seeing all the wonderful creations.  LOL how do you think we get ideas.. you have to show and tell :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

More Chicken Scratch!

I am in love with Chicken scratch.
This is my second attempt but I had so much fun!!!
I didn't use a pattern. I just traced the butterfly
and went from there.  That is why one wing is bigger than the other!  (lol)
You can see more here!

And this is my third attempt!
I used a pattern from HERE!
Isn't this cottage cute?  I LOVE it!
I worked this on the bigger gingham checks and it was so much easier.
Just thought I would share my excitement!