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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A 5.8 earthquake rolled under my home at 1:51  It's epicenter was about 100 miles away, and 3.7 miles deep.  Getting ready for  hurricane Irene, due to be here on Sunday a.m. What else could Nature send my way?


  1. Hopefully Mother Nature will not send anything more your way.

  2. Don't ask! LOL! Isn't it strange?! I live in NE GA and felt a slight tremor as I was sitting in my recliner. Thought I was starting to have some weird attack or something! Hubby turned on the news a few minutes later and confirmed I DID feel something. I seriously hope that Irene turns and goes out to sea. Take care!

  3. Yikes! I hope you are safe and well prepared. Earthquakes are no fun, but I have never been in a hurricane so I will hope that you remain safe and sound.

  4. Heard about the earthquake. Hope you and yours are okay. I will keep you all in prayer throughout the week and weekend during the storms.

    God bless and keep you,

  5. Glad you're ok after the earthquake. I'm over in the valley...maybe an hour from the epicenter. i'm so glad it wasn't worse.

    My husband works for the power company...he's already heard he's being sent to Outer Banks, NC, to work the coming hurricane. Depending on its severity, he could be gone all next week. Yes, the weather is something else!!

  6. Things are really happening in your area of the county. Stay safe!

  7. You truly are getting hit from all sides! Stay safe!

  8. Heave I agree with Sharon, don't ask! Go grab a ball of yarn and crochet/knit something, do some needle work, weave a rug of t-shirts or scraps, or when all else fails read a book. Hopefully you keep your power, but those are my no power suggestions. My parents lost their power for at least a week after hurricane Rita went through.

  9. Hope everyone is ok after the earthquake? Sometimes this time of year mother nature has a weird sense of humor. I just found your blog and I love it. Just became one of your newest followers. Hope we can keep in touch.

  10. WOW!!! Hope things are o.k. there..

    Jodie :)

  11. All's well in Annandale, VA after the earthquake and HURRICANE IRENE!
    Thanks for all the good wishes.
