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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crocheted Cuddle Cocoons

I am so excited that I am learning to crochet
and more excited that I am learning to read the patterns.

This one is my favorite!
We don't know if our 5th grandbaby is a boy or girl
so I made one for each just in case!
To see more you can go Here!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A 5.8 earthquake rolled under my home at 1:51  It's epicenter was about 100 miles away, and 3.7 miles deep.  Getting ready for  hurricane Irene, due to be here on Sunday a.m. What else could Nature send my way?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New pillows

We recently bought a new couch. I've always wanted a nice puffy couch with lots of pillows. I picked up a couple pillow forms at Walmart recently and decided to try my hand at pillow covers. I've never made a pillow cover before. For some reason I thought it would be difficult but I was very wrong. The hardest part was choosing the fabric. I found this dragonfly fabric at JoAnn's a few months back. I had no need for it, I just liked it. The back is cut from a flat twin sheet that I bought on sale. The colors work perfectly with our tan couch. Plus, I can change out the covers whenever the mood strikes me. I followed a simple tutorial over at Sparkle Power! I think I will make some quilted covers next.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Started Fall Creations !!!

Thanks Brenda,
I love your patterns. Must have almost all of them. My boss was looking through my patterns and wanted me to create your simplicity wreath. I hope you don't get mad, I am changing one thing. The tag is going to say Autumn instead of simplicity.
One ? what did you use to make the tag .....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Repost from AuntPittyPats Blog

My niece started her first day of school at her new Magnet school. She was interviewed and selected to go to the Art Magnet School in our area this year. What is one of the staples for an ART School???? Of course an ART BAG. She had to have a new art bag to take... and guess who was asked to make one for her??? If you guessed The Pitty your wrong.. it was Auntie M :) 

Little Missy S loves the Beatles.. 
I incorporated some Yellow Submarine fabric in to her bag.... 
She loved loved loved it....
By the way Ms Nadine thank you for sharing the Beatles fabrics with me!!!
You made one little girl very happy!!

Look at this Happy Grin on her face!!! 
Missy S sent me a note via FB and told me she would carry it to school everyday! 
I am so happy she loved it!!
My sister was amazed.. she knows that I made it up as I sewed it together ;)
This was my second try at an art bag.. they keep getting better and better.. 
Maybe one day I will make one that is perfect!!

All art work photos are by my Niece Missy S...... Aren't they fun?
Please don't copy her art work..

Monday, August 1, 2011

More Chicken Scratch

I am so excited about learning chicken scratch.
Just wanted to show you one of the things I have been working on.
I plan to make a pillow or frame it.
Perfect, no! But at least I am trying.
I have been trying to learn a lot lately and this is one of them.
I am loving doing handwork!
If you would like to see more of what I am learning you can click Here!