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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Easter Mug Rug

I held an Easter Mug Rug swap at AuntPittyPat's blog recently. I had a very nice turn out for this swap. It was fun and worked up very fast. I have received lots of great feed back from the ladies that played along.
I have to tell you something funny! When my sweet friend Nadine visited me last Fall she introduced me to Mug Rugs......All I can say is Nadine you have created an addict!!!! I am very driven to making these little rugs they are so small, and they provide such a large impact! Do you ladies remember the old ad about potato chips that said something like this: You can't eat just one!! I am that way with mug rugs. When it's time to make them .. I can't make one I have to make at least a half dozen!!!
It's been very exciting, to see the rugs the ladies are creating for this swap. The participants have been so very clever, very creative and they have made such cute rugs!
If your interested in taking a peek at some of the rugs....
The list of swappers are still up on my blog. Run over click on some of the names and take a look. Don't worry if you click on a name and you get no where. Not all of the ladies that participated have a blog. Some of the participants are from FaceBook.

I thought I would show you the rug that I came up with. I think it turned out pretty cute. I originally made a different rug and was not very pleased with it. I move on to a different design and really liked how it turned out. What do you think?
While writing this post ... I have figured out why I like making mug rugs. They are small and you get instant gratification from them. It's a project that can be completed in a few hours not weeks. Yeah I am all about fast and getting it done!
Besides ....I can come up with tons of cute ideas for appliques on them :0}
Mug Rugs are much faster than a full sized project... and they give me just as much joy to make!
There was only one draw back on the recent swap:
The hardest part I have heard from everyone was trying to find an Easter Mug. I was a bit early for this swap. Most shops didn't have Easter items out when we needed them. I wanted the rugs and mugs to be to the partners before Easter not realizing Easter was late in the month this year.
Having said all of this... have a
I hope my timing is better in the next swap :)


  1. I love this mug rug!! What a great idea. It is very very cute! Sue x

  2. This mug rug is just adorable!

  3. And I had a ball joining in on the fun. I have a lot to learn but I am excited....and I had a great swap partner!!!

  4. It was loads of fun, Auntie!! :) Thanks again for hosting these swaps♥ I spent some time this morning visiting the blogs of the other swappers ~ wow!!! some amazingly cute mugrugs!!:)
    Are you going to open a Flicker page for the MugRug swaps? One place to see those all. Just an idea.

  5. I have opened several Flickr pages. I have a button on my blog that you can click on and post. It's called One World Sewing. The button is a white dove with blue background. If you would like to post your rug or other items that you want to share.. you can by clicking on that button.

  6. Your mug rug is adorable. Love the little bunny.
    I've been making crochet coasters (9 sets so far) and have been calling them mug rugs. I like them for the same reason, quick, easy and that feeling of instant gratification.

  7. Very Cute! the little bunny is adorable. :)

  8. Oh that is so cute and what a fabulous idea. We are forever looking for our coasters and end up using paper or magazines.

  9. Love the things you are making :)

