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Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Holly Jolly Christmas Quilt

I just realized that I never posted pictures here on Pins & Needles of my
Holly Jolly Christmas Quilt
from last year's APP Swap. So ... here's some pictures of it in the process!

I decided to tie it, so I could add lots of buttons, beads, jingle bells, etc. for embellishments.
Fun stuff!!

Now, I just need more time to get back to it to put the binding on so I can hang it up ...
Think I'll finish it in time to hang it up for this Christmas? Humm ... don't know!
I'm pretty far behind with my Christmas gift making. But ... if I do, I post another picture of it finished ~ I promise :) What about you? Did you finish yours?
Have a wonderful, fun, stitchin' filled week!!!


  1. There is a lot of detail in the blocks. I love the idea of adding buttons, bells, etc!

  2. I love the way you arranged it. It looks great. For some reason my mom and I both only got 11 sets back so we're both holding out putting them together until the current swap comes in. My plan is to use several for a quilt and others for Christmas throw pillows.

  3. Jennifer,
    Did you let APP know that you didn't receive all 12 sets?
    Some of my blocks was not signed ~ I wish I had thought of asking for the names right away. It would be nice to have everyones name...
    Putting the blocks together into several projects is a great idea!! The quilt with all the blocks and a border is really BIG!!! I want to hang it for display and it will take up a large wall area, wish I had thought of that before I put it together.

  4. No, Cathy we didn't. We though maybe it was because we didn't send an extra one??? My mom didn't get her own 2 blocks back. I got mine back, I'm not sure whose I was missing. We weren't in the same group so... I'm not sure what happened.

  5. Jennifer.. I am sorry that happened.. but with almost 72 sets of blocks mistakes do happen.. I am so sorry. It took me hours and hours to sort all of them out. By the time they were finished 6 almost 7 hours later.. my head was swimming! It was a huge undertaking to say the least. Once again.. I am sorry you were shorted. I thought I had it all sorted properly. Someone else might have gotten an extra block :*(
    Not sending an extra was not the reason.. I always try and send back each block unless I ask if I can keep an extra first. I know several of the ladies said keep an extra block :)
    I simply made a mistake.. sorry!!!

  6. That's okay APP, mom and I are not sweating it. =) If we were we would not have swapped again.

  7. Your quilt is looking mazing! I haven't worked on mine yet. It's on my list for 2011. 2011 will be the year of finishing up quilt projects that have been tossed to the side for too long.
