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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Crumb Catcher Christmas

Everyone knows Nadine and I have been on Vacation ;) We have chatted about a lot of awesome new sewing ideas.. one of the ideas is a new craze that is sweeping the Cyber world of blogs and we would like to share this with you in swap form... Mug Rugs.

Photo from Patchwork Pottery's Flickr Photostream.

APP's Christmas Swap will be .. make your partner a fun and exciting Christmas Mug Rug. What is a Mug Rug??? After looking on the internet.. we have discovered it is hard to find Christmas photos of mug rugs to share with you. But we have a link for other types of Mug Rugs. :)

The required size for our swap will be a 6”x10” or equivalent. It can be square, round, star, or any shape your creative brain comes up with. The Rug must be big enough for two Christmas Sugar Cookies, and a nice sized mug for a hot drink ;) (APP loves White Almond Hot Chocolate hint hint hint.)

Embellish your Mug Rug anyway you like.. but it must be coffee mug friendly. Must be able to sit without falling over from too much egg nog ;) Mug must sit flat on Rug… lol

Additional content for your swap will be:

One Christmas Coffee Mug (Micro safe)

One Hot Beverage packet (Cocoa, Spiced Cider, Gourmet Coffee, or Tea)

One Favorite Cookie Recipe

One Candy Cane (For stirring)

Sign ups start today and end on November 6th.. Partners will be assigned shortly thereafter.

Swaps must be at your partner's house no later than December 11th. Please start your project as soon as you sign up so they will be completed on time. You don't have to have an assigned partner to start your project. If you can't meet this dead line.. please please don't sign up... This is a very important fun swap this time of year.

NO ONE likes a Flaker.. Please be on time!!!

Santa is checking his naughty and nice list.. so be sure to get your swap out on time.. so your partner doesn't get coal ;)

Additional info:
Please package your swap in a box and wrap your mug in bubble wrap... so it will arrive safely ;)
International Swappers welcome but please be mindful of the cost for shipping!

E-mail APP the following Info:




Phone Number

International Yes/No

If you're a first time swapper please read the following: Swap Etiquette


  1. I would love to but I am out machine...looks like alot of ffun!!

  2. I don't sew - wonder if it can be knitted or crocheted?

  3. I would love to do this wear can i get a pattern ?

  4. This is going to be a fun swap. Even Hubby is interested to see what everyone makes :)

  5. I got signed up on your blog APP so I'm anxious for this one!
