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Monday, August 30, 2010

The Clip Cafe Softie Swap Open NOW

Hi everyone please head over to my blog if you would like to register for our softie swap the page is now live!!

Ladies, Vanessa is our newest Pins & Needles member! Please give her a big welcome and pop over to see her beautiful blog!!
Thanks for sharing the info about your softie swap with us ~ gee, that sounds like fun, doesn't it?♥


  1. I just ♥LOVED♥ looking at the cute softies on your blog!!
    Do you have this kind of swap more then once a year?

  2. This is my first time doing a swap - we'll see how this one goes :-)

  3. It's nice to meet you, Vanessa. I'm Doris and I crochet and knit and would love to participate in your softie swap. I already signed up and e-mailed you and I'm posting my "softie swap owl" on my blog's sidebar next...thanks for inviting us!

    Oh, I forgot to ask you in my e-mail, what's "medium sized"? maybe a 6" tall softie?
