Links For FREE Patterns and Tutorials

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lillie Mae's Crafts Newsletter for September is Out!

Click HERE to read it.

New feature: Newsletter Archives.
Now we can access the last 2 years of newsletters. Woohoo!!
Link is in this month's newsletter!

Don't miss Brenda's This n' That E-Book 2, a awesome resource booklet just packed galore with ideas, tips, and yes! patterns!!
Click HERE for the link to download it. :)

I see Ms Brenda has been very busy ~ she has F-O-U-R new patterns for us to download this month!! Yippee!! :)

Pssss.... don't tell her I told you so, but our sweet Ms Brenda is having a birthday on September 20th!!!♥♥
H♥A♥P♥P♥Y B♥I♥R♥T♥H♥D♥A♥Y, Ms Brenda!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Clip Cafe Softie Swap Open NOW

Hi everyone please head over to my blog if you would like to register for our softie swap the page is now live!!

Ladies, Vanessa is our newest Pins & Needles member! Please give her a big welcome and pop over to see her beautiful blog!!
Thanks for sharing the info about your softie swap with us ~ gee, that sounds like fun, doesn't it?♥

Upcycling ~ by The Patchwork Heart ♥

Rag rug made from recycled t -shirts
 in Cath Kidston colours.

 I have so enjoyed making this rug, 
my favourite so far
and yes
I have decided to keep it!
It is looking beautiful beside my bed.
I have made 3 rugs this summer holiday, 
not bad, 
the next order is a heart shaped rug
 in lipstick pinks!

Rag rug tutorial available on my blog

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back-to-School Teacher Gift

My daughter just started K3 at a local private school. Monday was her orientation, meet and greet time. While talking with her teacher I had planned on being random (in her eyes) and asking her favorite color. I changed my mind shortly after arriving. I had decided to go with blue. After most of the parents left the teacher started talking with my daughter. She asked Kaitlyn Joy her favorite color then said, "Mine is orange." So orange it is!
I left the school and headed for Hancock Fabrics for some orange fabric. As you can see I put a M for her last name. I got the idea after doing a google search and coming across a bag like it from Martha Stewart. I did end up having to quilt the bag because the fusible fleece wouldn't stick to the decorator weight fabric. I lined it with a blue, green, yellow fabric. I considered putting a pocket in it and probably should have, but goodness after the fusible fleece issue it was getting late. Her teacher sent a note saying she loves it!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hand Turkey

Ladies fall is fast approaching and I'm ready to make decorations. Yes, San Antonio has been over 100, but fall is coming despite the temps. While welcoming this new school year in I had to start thinking about MOPS (Mother's Of PreSchoolers) craft ideas. One common complaint about MOPS crafts is that they aren't something the mom is really going to use nor does she want. Like last year we had a choice of making a tote or apron (putting paint and iron on patches on pre-made ones) and I believe ALL the moms made them for their kids. So if I'm doing the crafts this year I'm hoping to make them something the moms might really like. With that in mind I traced my daughter's hand and made a fabric hand print turkey.

I used the blanket stitch around all the pieces and a small zig-zag stitch for the legs. I couldn't find my masking tape so I hot glued the fabric to the backside of the glass; hence the glass glare on the bottom right.

Seeing how the MOPS moms really don't come to the meetings to sew theirs wouldn't be as cute. I would have to give them fabric paints to use around the edges. Sadly once it was all done our MOPS coordinator was bucking the idea. She pointed out that many moms have more then one child. I told her they asked for gift ideas and for things they could give away. I said they could pick a child to do this one of, then go home and cheaply make them of their other children's hands. Send them to the grandmas, they will love them. We'll see...

Now I will forever have a Thanksgiving decor of my three and a half year old's hand.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Upcycling ~ by The Patchwork Heart ♥

Hello and nice to meet you all!
I am a new member of Pins and Needles.
My name is Heather and I am from England.
Please visit me at

I love anything country ... my new passion is upcycling
and I love to collect fabric from car boot sales
which I then remake into


eco friendly fat quarter bundles
and rag rugs

Rag rugging has taken over my life at the moment
with family fearing for their clothes!
I have had so much interest on
that I have written a tutorial.
You can find it here ~ follow the link on the side bar to the tutorial page.

Heather x

NOTE FROM CJ ~ Here's a quick link to Heather's Rag Rug Tutorial ~
Click HERE

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Baby Boy !!!

My son is a beautiful angel born to Heaven. We celebrated his 2nd birthday on saturday the 21st. We realeased ballons here in VA and My friend sam released some in TX so hopefuly he got to see his wonderful surprises !!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fall Apron Swap!

If you'd like to join us for a fall apron swap, then head over to my blog "Country Pleasures" for full details and to get signed up! I can't wait!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We Have a Winner :)

I want to thank each and everyone of you that played along in our very first Challenge here on Pins and Needles. I hope all of you had as much fun making your pin keeps as I did watching them come together from the teasers.

I know everyone has been waiting all day for me to announce the winner to our very first challenge on Pins and Needles. The delay could not be helped...
Darn work gets in the way of my fun!

I am home now and I am ready to announce the winner... are you ready????

The lucky winner of the prize... for the most voted on Pin keep is
Jennifer #7 .. Flowerpot :)
Jennifer please send me an email... I need your address....
to mail out your winning surprise.

Thank you to everyone that played along to make our first challenge such a wonderful fun success. Stick around.. we have more fun in store for all.

I also wish to thank Cj for all her help on this project. Your my Hero :)

Please feel free to comment on the pin keeps now..
thank you readers for waiting to comment.
While we held our contest.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I enjoyed this challenge so much, I made two pincushions. I decided to post this one as my entry. I had an old jewelry box laying around not being used. It had a blue velvet lining that I used as the bottom. I sewed my fabric to the lining and then placed it back in the bottom. I removed the lid and threw it away, it was pretty badly scratched and dinged up. I filled the bottom with silica sand which is good for keeping pins sharp. The top is fiberfill to make it more rounded. I put some silver cording I had around the top of the box to make it look more finished. Now I just have to keep it out of my daughter's hands!


Hello Ladies this entry is from Doris.. she has asked me to post it for her.. because her computer is acting up a bit on her.. so here goes.. this is what Doris has to say :)

I didn't buy a thing to make this, not even more pins to stick in there ;-) I really wanted more pretty pins, but simply had no more as I'm not a seamstress.
This cactus is removable. Instead of crocheting a pot for the cactus, I decided to use one of my empty glass votive candle cups. I frequently buy candles in a glass cup and when they are empty, I wash them and keep them for another purpose. So, this cactus is crocheted and stuffed with fiberfill. I crocheted a red flower for the top and sewed a ladybug button on the side. I like it because you can fill the glass cup with extra pins or buttons or what nots for your sewing needs.
Hope you like it!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Here she is ladies! My flowerpot pincushion!

It comes complete with...A little ribbon lady bug sitting on a fabric flower petal.

A floral fabric bird that was killing me until I painted it brown and added the blue stitching. Mr bird is either digging for worms or eating my pins. Naughty bird!

Then there's the flower. I LOVE DAISIES! Especially the bright colors of Gerber Daisies. So after trying the same yellow/green floral print fabric as the bird once was I pulled out the paint and made it a bright yellow. The center of the flower is a pin cushion. That brings me down to the pot... the main pincushion if you will. This pot was a throwback from a MOPS (Mother's Of PreSchoolers) project that we did. I had to leave the meeting early so I was never able to plant the herbs in mine like everyone else did. That made it perfect for this project. Originally the pot was pink on the bottom, but I changed it to red so one day when I make the sewing machine mat I already cut my fabric out for, the pincushion will match.

Over all I love it because it's cheery and made into something I love... flowers.


Re-Purposing a jar for a pincushion was a lot of fun and I may have to make several!
I placed a little cushion inside to hold special pins & needles. I am looking forward to seeing all the ideas for cushions here and I already see some really FAB-U-LOUS ones!


As you can see, I'm going with a fall theme here, am so ready for autumn, I just can't wait any longer!


Here is my pincushion!

I had originally found a pattern on Ravelry for a knitted bird nest and eggs, but the pattern was in a book and I knew I wouldn't be able to get the book ordered and shipped in time. (The book is Closely Knit: Handmade Gifts for The Ones You Love) So, I searched the web and found this pattern for a crochet bird nest and eggs. I can't find the link right now, of course! I used an Alpaca for the nest and Red Heart Aruba Sea for the eggs. I really like the Alpaca because it is sort of fuzzy and it gives the nest a texture. I am not sure if you can see it in the photos or not.

I had fun with this challenge and would love to do somethings like this again! Can't wait to see what everyone else came up with!

Cynthia L.


My entry in the pincushion challenge - a little Oopsie - altered pattern from the Moda Bakeshop.

My new friend in the sewing room and she sure is happy there, at least it is warm and dry.

She really wanted to go to the beach for her photo, but lets just say stepping outside the door lately has required flippers!

Look forward to seeing all the other amazing creations here soon.

From wet and windy Melbourne Australia, Mistea

GIGI ~ PINCUSHION CHALLENGE ENTRY #2 ~ I scream, you scream. we all scream for ice cream.

Although I had a little trouble following the rules , I had a great time creating my pin cushion.......


First, I would like to apologize for my incorrect posts and hope you will bear with me here! I thought I could re-post my earlier pictures but that was the wrong thing to do. I was so obsessed with following the rules regarding using stuff you already have that I totally missed the proper date to post. Anyhow, here is my pincushion with my handmade wood base.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pincushion Challenge - Pre-Assembled Photos

I'll just say better late then never or perhaps "Oops!" for not sharing the photos sooner.

I started off feeling like this was mostly it, but the color and amount of fabric just didn't
work for me so I actually only used two of the four colors shown.

And then I learned a little trick. When using spray adhesive and needing to cut your work out afterwards you can put plastic wrap over top of your pieces. Doing this I was able to cut my pieces out without my scissors and myself sticking to the fabric. Honestly I was dreading that nightmare and I'm so thankful I thought of using the plastic wrap.

I still didn't like some of my fabric choices so I pulled out paint and went to work. The ribbon was just for a little something extra. =)

I told you I painted it! Don't you hate it when you're in the middle of making something then must stick your neck out and try something new thinking, "I hope this doesn't just turn out to be a big mess"? Well that was my thought when painting these.

Tomorrow will tell how all of this turned out.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream !!!

Well I finished my pin chusion swap. I decided to make two and this is what I came up with being that summer is almost to an end I wanted something to remind me of it !!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Heads Up!!! Pincushion Challenge Players!

That's right! I'm talkin' to you!!
Just a friendly reminder to get you a lil' more stressed ~ hehe!! (just kidding!):)
You only have a few more days before the posting begins for the
APP's Pincushion Challenge.
The clock is ticking down... sooo finish up your creation quickly!!
If you need to reread the rules about posting your entry picture, click HERE.
If you have any other questions, ask them here in a comment and we will answer them for you.
Good luck to all you "crafty ladies" !!! ♥

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Well, I gave it some thought, trying to follow the guidelines. Since I do a little woodworking I started with a base:
Next I created the pincushion from "Freebird by MoMo" for Moda fabrics. I added a sweet little button in the middle...
Now, all you have to do is put the two together! It measures 4" X 4" and is stuffed with "scoopable" kitty litter. I've been making pincushions for a number of years and this is my favorite thing to use for a pincushion. It keeps the needles and pins nice and dry and has a good weight to it...

I hope you all like it. Lynne at Quilts and Cats

When I grow up.....

I promise to be a wheelie good pin cushion!

Hope everybody else is enjoying their time in the sewing room.

Happy creating from cold wet Melbourne, Australia.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Results of the NeedleCrafts Poll

Do you remember the Needlecrafts Poll I put up on the sidebar when we opened this new Pins site? I hope you all participated in it!
Well, APP asked what I was going to do with it???
So, here's the answer. First, let's review the results. Some are pretty much what I expected, like ~
Sewing - 80%
Quilting - 78%
Embroidery - 73%
Applique - 57%
I was excited to see such a high percentage in ~
Crocheting - 54%
Cross Stitch - 49%
Knitting - 47%
Doll Making - 42%
One category, Lucet ~ click here to see~ I throw into the mix for fun!! Yes, it is a needlecraft, a very old one using a wooden tool to braid yarn into a cord. It dates back to the Vikings and was used by fishermen. As I thought it did not get any votes! :) hehe!!

The remaining categories that were all under 14% are the ones that I am interested in for this post. These are the ones that are unknown to most of us and I would like to give our Pins & Needles members an introduction to these needlecrafts from the members who enjoy doing them!
Sooo... here's my plan ~
If you do one of the following needlecrafts and would be willing to do a demo/tutorial, informative post about it for us, then I would love to hear from you! You will need to e-mail me for more information at:

The categories are:

Shirring, Smocking, Needle Lace, Weaving, Rug Hooking, Plastic Canvas, Punch Needle (or Needlepunch), Wool Felting, Hand Wool Felting (working with wool roving), Tatting, Needlepoint, and Tapestry.
I only need one person per category, so it will be on a "first come" basic.

~ One more statistic about the poll. 57 people voted and we only have 48 members, so that means there are still some of you who haven't become members yet. If you want to join, email APP or CJ for an invite! We'd love to have you participating! ~

Thursday, August 5, 2010

RRR School Shirt

What do you get when you cross your mother-in-law with a new hot pink "LOVE" shirt, a red apple, and "color safe" Clorox bleach? A peachy hot pink shirt with an apple stain and extra bleached out splotches giving it a tie-dye look. Now cross that with one frustrated Mom who must now decide what to do with the new school shirt and you get this...
I cut the front off the hot pink shirt and sewed it onto this shirt.
What's a shame is I already bought some black and white fabric for the blue shirt. The fabric pictured is from my stash. I figure I'll make some ruffle pants to match the shirt. It's also a shame that the orginial shirt was only worn twice for less then six hours total.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lillie Mae's Crafts Newsletter

Ms Brenda's August Newletter is now available!
You can find the link on our tutorial page ~
Stitchin' The Day Away

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pincushion Swap

Hi there Pins and Needles members! I would like to introduce myself, my name is Cynthia L. and I am a newish member. I like to call myself a crafter of all trades. I knit, crochet, sew, quilt, scrapbook, cross-stitch, and pretty much anything else that catches my fancy. I homeschooled my daughter from 2nd grade through her senior year in high school. She is now entering her Sophomore year of college (I am very proud)! With her out of the house, I have more time to craft and I am really having fun with it. I think the problem is, I keep finding more things I want to do and there is not enough time!

The pincushion swap is my second swap with Pins and Needles. I thought I would share a photo of some of the "ingredients" that will be used for my pincushion. I can't wait to see what everyone else is coming up with!

Cynthia L.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pincushion in progress

I'm not as speedy as some - but there has been some progress

This will come together - I hope?

It has been good to see the work of the over achievers on here some very pretty pin cushions coming together quickly.

Thanks Cathy for all the inspiration, lots of ideas if my first attempt doesn't quite do the trick.

Enjoy time in your craft space this week.

Pincushion Inspiration

Hello Pincushion Players!!
We have 20 more days on the APP Pincushion Challenge. I like what I'm seeing so far, some good creativity going on out there :) Just in case some of you are still trying to pick an idea and go with it, here's a lil' pincushion inspiration!

Rolled Felt Pincushion (no sew - glue) from Polka Dot Pineapple
Chicken Pincushion from Quilting Works
Canning Jar Pincushion ( no sew - hot glue) from Suzanne's
Prairie Flower Pincushion from United Notions
Spring Hats Pincushion from All People Quilt
Strawberry Pincushion from Embroideroo
Thumb Pincushion from Annie's Crazy World
Pincushion Cuff from Kenka Lou
Sunny Wrist Pincushion (felt & glue) from Rossieland
Basket Pincushion (hot glue) from Zaffa Life
Pretty Mini Pincushion (made in a bottle cap) from Craft Stylish

Are you inspired yet??♥ Me too!:)
Have fun, can't wait to see some more lovely pincushions!