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Friday, July 9, 2010

Pincushion Challenge

Attention Pins & Needles Members!!

It's time to let the fun begin, so we are going to start with "APP's Pincushion Challenge". That's right, our first ever Challenge hostess is Aunt Pitty Pat (or M, as we lovingly call her!) This Challenge is something everyone can play along with, no matter what type of needlework you do. Whether you are knitting, crocheting, sewing, or just plain crafting, you can always use another pincushion.

*When you decide to join a Challenge, you will create the given project during the dates of the Challenge, according to the rules listed.

*Then you will post a picture of your finished project here on the Pins & Needles Site during dates given for posting, and everyone who entered the Challenge will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite. The one with the most votes wins and will receive a nice little gift from the hostess of the Challenge:)

~ A few general rules for ALL Pins & Needles Challenges ~

1. You must be a member of Pins & Needles to play. Not a member yet? E-mail M (Aunt Pitty Pat) or CJ (Cathy) for an invite to become a member.
2. You must read and follow all the rules for the Challenge you enter and no cheating!! the project must be created DURING the Challenge dates! :)

So here's the rules for
The APP Pincushion Challenge ~

1. Leave a comment here on this post if you want to play, sign up starts now and ends on Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

2. Using your chosen method or any combination of methods , (sewing, knitting, crocheting, needlepunch, quilting, hot gluing, general crafting, etc.) create your pincushion
That's right, ladies! This is THE CHALLENGE!!
Hey, I see you grabbing your car keys to go out and buy a bag of polyfill :) NO cheating!! You can't go buy anything for this challenge! No polyfill? start thinking and looking around. What's in the kitchen, rice? got some sand? or cat litter? (clean only lol!!) You get the picture, right?? Let's have fun working our imaginations to create with what we have on hand and NOT buy anything!

Here's some suggestions of items that could be used ~ wood, plastic, glass jar, tin can, old containers, recycled textiles, knit or crocheted fabrics, old quilt pieces, terracotta pots, lace, buttons, paint, glue, yarn, trims, fabric, felt. You get the idea!! make this as creative and original as you can!

3. You can start on your challenge anytime after you sign up and have until August 14th, 2010 to complete it. During your creating, please, feel free to post on your blog about the project with a link back to the Pins & Needles Site. Let your friends and readers know about the fun you are having!! Now, since all of us will want to know what you are up to, you may also post "in process pictures" here, BUT...

4. You MUST post your "Entry Picture" on August 15th or 16th, 2010 to be eligible to be in the voting. A picture that you posted before or after these dates will NOT count in the voting!!

5. Only participants in this Challenge can vote. A vote is a SINGLE comment on the post of your favorite pincushion, just say "this one" or "my choice", something like that.
6. The dates for voting are:
Tuesday, August 17th through Saturday, August 21st, 2010.

The winner will be announced on Monday, August 23th.

If you vote for more then once, ALL your votes will be deleted ~ sorry! All comments from non members and those not playing in the challenge will be deleted from (only) the Entry Posts by the administrators, sorry again, but we all want the voting to be fair :)

If you are using a pattern or tutorial in creating your Challenge project, please insert a link in your post about it. We all like to discover new and exciting ideas and we believe in giving credit to whom it belongs to!!

~ All the clip art used in this post is the personal, legally purchased property of CJ.
Please, DO NOT help yourself to it! This awesome clip art is from:
Thank you! ~


  1. I'm in! I've been needing and meaning to make a pincushion.

  2. Oh, how exciting!!! I want to play ;-)

  3. I was at a quilt show today and saw a pin cushion that I would love to make for myself and for a swap! Sign me up please!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sign me up, sounds like some great fun!

  6. I'm in, too! Was just thinking I needed another pincushion...this will be fun!

  7. Count me In please! And I have poly woot :)

  8. I'm in! Thank goodness I just bought a bag of polyfill the other day.


  9. I would like to play. Thanks so much!

  10. I'm in too!! I think I can get Jaimie to contribute some of his (clean) kitty litter!

  11. Hope I'm not too late! Please can I play there are plenty of supplies in the warehouse and lots of ideas - mostly in my head.

    Can't wait to see everybody's creations.

  12. stupid me I posted to soon so guess I am not in the challenge good luck everyone !

  13. Hello there, Ms Gigi!!!

    I hope I am not confusing you!!
    YOU ARE DEFINITELY STILL IN THE CONTEST!!! It's perfectly fine that you posted your lovely pictures of your pincushions - a few others have done that too:)

    Just decide which pincushion you want to enter into the contest, take that picture and post it on Sunday or Monday (the 15th & 16th) Those are the dates for the Contest postings.

    Sorry, if I upset you but you did NOT do anything wrong!!
    Looking forward to your Entry Post!
