Links For FREE Patterns and Tutorials

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pincushion Jar

I finished the pincushion for the challenge...and made changes along the way.
The first selection of fabric didn't work out like I envisioned. So I went with this pink piece and... Yes... I had it on hand :) The blue print was too big and I wasn't feeling it.
I used the cushion with band of fabric for my lid, glued the earring on and made another cushion for inside the jar. Now pearl pins can be stored inside, separate from others. I really enjoyed working on this and watching it evolve because I only knew I wanted to use the jar.
So, How is everyone else doing?
I hope you are having a creative day!
see you again soon, susie

Monday, July 26, 2010

My pincushion

Well, this went easier than I expected. I gathered all my supplies to go with the vision I had in my head.

I intend on making another pincushion, so I pulled two cups to use. I wanted to use the buttons to show through the clear glass and add some color as well. I hunted down every pink colored button I had and even a few cream colored ones.

I measured my cups and added 1/2" seam allowance. Then I sewed and stuffed my circle until it was over-full then sewed it shut. I added buttons on either side for decoration.

Once finished, it just needed to be glued in place. It turned out just like the picture I had in my head and I absolutely love it! I can't wait to make more.


Hi Mistea here -
I decided to join the Pin Cushion challenge hosted by the lovely APP here -

Only using what we have to hand she said -

Lets see the choices for the filling include but are not limited to this little lot -
plastic beads, glass beads, squishy beads, polyfil or cotton stuffing

Fabric scraps should be enough to make a pincushion surely -

I have all these - there is a basket under there somewhere.
As I have so many choices my challenge may be deciding what colours to use and the combination of fillings to make it perfect for my sewing space.

I'll come back when I've made some progress.

Hope your week is filled with creative opportunities.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What Are You Up To?

A Challenge you say?.....Of the pincushion kind!
Hello everyone. My name is Susie, I am a member here on Pins and this is my first post. My first challenge here also!
I am ready...Are you?
The Challenge....To make a sweet little pincushion with supplies you have on hand.
Seems simple huh? Well I thought so and I signed up. Little did I know what a challenge it is. I pulled out all sorts of bits and bobbles, scraps and not, fabric, pins, threads and then I came up with an idea! I have made many throughout my sewing years and I wanted this to be something new so here you go...
Sneaky idea in the making!

Doesn't look much like a pincushion just yet...but it will.
What about YOU? What kind of supplies are you making yours out of..come on and give us a peek!
I'll be back again to share more...Happy Creating.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pins & Needles Tutorial Page

Just in case you didn't know ~
Pins & Needles has a tutorial page called Stitchin' The Day Away
This is where you are going to find some wonderful free patterns, tutorials and other helpful tips, ideas, and information for you to use. We will try to post here of Pins & Needles with a link, when something new is posted on the tutorial page so you will know about it.
If you haven't been over there, go check it out! There are a few goodies posted already:)
I am lovin' the This & That E-Book from sweet Ms Brenda. Definitely saved that one. Sooo much info in it. I was getting all kinds of inspiring ideas reading it (I'm thinking Christmas gift ideas, are you too?) Check it out!! Thanks again Ms Brenda!! You are one sweet, talented Lady!!♥

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Let The Pincushion Challenge Begin!

Hello, Ladies!

Just a reminder that today is the last day you can sign up to join in on our first Challenge
APP's Pincushion Challenge
We have 12 players so far. If you still want to join the ♥FUN♥, click HERE to get all the info, leave a comment on that post, and I will add your name to the list of players.

Remember, our sweet hostess for this Challenge is Aunt Pitty Pat! :)

Now Ladies, let's get our creativity going! Remember to post "in process pictures" on your blogs and here on Pins!
I can't wait to see what we all come up with... how about you?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Maria's Blocks for Swap

Aren't they amazing!

So perfect!

Now I am just waiting for one more set and then I will divide and send back!

Peace, Katie

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Greetings from Down Under...

Greetings from south-east Australia...where tonight it is cold and wet, very cold and wet...

I've been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks but you know how it intentions and all that...anyhow...this is a table runner which I started back at the beginning of February and finally finished at the beginning of July...

My own design using a traditional block - Eight Hands Around - it is destined as a present for my SIL.

Enjoying seeing everyone's projects.

Happy Stitching...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

An Update From CJ

Hello, Sweet Ladies!!

I would like to extend another Welcome to Pins!!! as we are growing very fast and have had a few more members join this past week! :) We now are at 37 members and 51 followers!!

I want to answer a few questions here in this post ~

1. Are we connected with Pins & Needles on Ning? Yes!! We are from the Pins & Needles Group on Ning that was started by Ms Brenda Greenwalt. Our reason for starting this blog is to keep the ladies in the group together who wished to do so, as the site on Ning will be closing soon. We are so happy to have the sweet and talented Ms Brenda join with us here on the new site:)
2. How do I join here? Blogger allows us to have up to 100 authors (members) and we are at 37 right now, so there is still room for you to join. Send M (APP) or Cathy (CJ) an e-mail to request an invitation. Joining is by invitation only, but... Pins & Needles is open for everyone to read and leave comments!
3. What is the reason for this blog? Pins & Needles is a place to post about and read about needlework projects. We all love to see pictures of other people's needlecraft projects and read the stories about them. If you used a pattern or tutorial, please include the link. I've seen questions in the comment boxes asking how to find a pattern or tutorial. We do have a few rules - please do not advertise anyone's business, but giving us the link to where you got a pattern or book for the project in your post is just fine!!! We just don't want to start promoting businesses, because how can you be fair and where do you stop?
The focus of this site is needlecrafts, so please keep that in mind when you post.
FYI ~ There is a Member's List on our sidebar which has a link to each member's blog (if they have one). This makes it easier for you to visit their personal blogs for non-needlecraft related posts.

Did you know that we have a Tutorial Page?? That's right!! Here's the link ~
Stitchin' The Day Away
Check it out! There's a few cute patterns on there already :)

There is a survey on our sidebar for you to take. It's interesting to know just what types of needlecrafts are are being represented here.

One last thing ~ Our first Challenge has begun and there are 10 players so far, but still time for you to join in the fun!!! Sign ups go until July 21st.
Click HERE for the details!

Keep on stitchin'!!!
Hugz to all,
Cathy (CJ)♥♥

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pretty Pockets and a Crocheted Hanger

I got this idea from Jessica at Kids Napping, I'm Scrapping! I made this for a wedding gift, it didn't turn out quite as nice as I wanted, but, oh well.

I crocheted a cover for the hanger and a flower that I added to the middle.

This is the Pretty Pockets. It is made out of linen with a piece of peach lace over it and then I attached the pockets and ribbon. I made some lace yo-yo's and then put some stuff in the pockets. I thought she could hang it on the back of the bathroom door or her bedroom door and put some of her things in it.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pincushion Challenge

Attention Pins & Needles Members!!

It's time to let the fun begin, so we are going to start with "APP's Pincushion Challenge". That's right, our first ever Challenge hostess is Aunt Pitty Pat (or M, as we lovingly call her!) This Challenge is something everyone can play along with, no matter what type of needlework you do. Whether you are knitting, crocheting, sewing, or just plain crafting, you can always use another pincushion.

*When you decide to join a Challenge, you will create the given project during the dates of the Challenge, according to the rules listed.

*Then you will post a picture of your finished project here on the Pins & Needles Site during dates given for posting, and everyone who entered the Challenge will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite. The one with the most votes wins and will receive a nice little gift from the hostess of the Challenge:)

~ A few general rules for ALL Pins & Needles Challenges ~

1. You must be a member of Pins & Needles to play. Not a member yet? E-mail M (Aunt Pitty Pat) or CJ (Cathy) for an invite to become a member.
2. You must read and follow all the rules for the Challenge you enter and no cheating!! the project must be created DURING the Challenge dates! :)

So here's the rules for
The APP Pincushion Challenge ~

1. Leave a comment here on this post if you want to play, sign up starts now and ends on Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

2. Using your chosen method or any combination of methods , (sewing, knitting, crocheting, needlepunch, quilting, hot gluing, general crafting, etc.) create your pincushion
That's right, ladies! This is THE CHALLENGE!!
Hey, I see you grabbing your car keys to go out and buy a bag of polyfill :) NO cheating!! You can't go buy anything for this challenge! No polyfill? start thinking and looking around. What's in the kitchen, rice? got some sand? or cat litter? (clean only lol!!) You get the picture, right?? Let's have fun working our imaginations to create with what we have on hand and NOT buy anything!

Here's some suggestions of items that could be used ~ wood, plastic, glass jar, tin can, old containers, recycled textiles, knit or crocheted fabrics, old quilt pieces, terracotta pots, lace, buttons, paint, glue, yarn, trims, fabric, felt. You get the idea!! make this as creative and original as you can!

3. You can start on your challenge anytime after you sign up and have until August 14th, 2010 to complete it. During your creating, please, feel free to post on your blog about the project with a link back to the Pins & Needles Site. Let your friends and readers know about the fun you are having!! Now, since all of us will want to know what you are up to, you may also post "in process pictures" here, BUT...

4. You MUST post your "Entry Picture" on August 15th or 16th, 2010 to be eligible to be in the voting. A picture that you posted before or after these dates will NOT count in the voting!!

5. Only participants in this Challenge can vote. A vote is a SINGLE comment on the post of your favorite pincushion, just say "this one" or "my choice", something like that.
6. The dates for voting are:
Tuesday, August 17th through Saturday, August 21st, 2010.

The winner will be announced on Monday, August 23th.

If you vote for more then once, ALL your votes will be deleted ~ sorry! All comments from non members and those not playing in the challenge will be deleted from (only) the Entry Posts by the administrators, sorry again, but we all want the voting to be fair :)

If you are using a pattern or tutorial in creating your Challenge project, please insert a link in your post about it. We all like to discover new and exciting ideas and we believe in giving credit to whom it belongs to!!

~ All the clip art used in this post is the personal, legally purchased property of CJ.
Please, DO NOT help yourself to it! This awesome clip art is from:
Thank you! ~

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's By the Month Swap Update

Updates friends. Look at how beautiful these blocks are!
I will have a few more to post in a few days.
If you haven't contacted me about your blocks, let me know becuase they are due July 15th!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Howdy, I"m Sue from Country Pleasures blog and my sweet friend Cathy invited me to this sweet site! Even though I'm no young thing, I am re-learning the art of sewing, just a beginner with a advance mind of too many wants and ideas to keep up with. I"m still working on my first apron, got all the way to the waist band only to find out I did that wrong so now I've got to figure out how to attach it so it looks like I did it right? Anyhoo, my next obsession is these adorable rag bags. I recently bought one, and thought for $20, I could make one, or at least try too? So, now I want one in fall and Christmas themed fabric and thanks to Cathy for helping my find a free pattern, I"m well on my way to another challenge, after I finish the apron that is! Looking forward to getting to know all of you and learning along the way!

I'd like to Introduce Myself

Hi everyone! I'm Sherry and was invited to join this blog by the sweet Cathy. I like to sew and crochet and other crafts too. I usually have several projects going at the same time....Attention Deficit Disorder? or just to many creative ideas running through my head at once??? I'm not sure, but that's me.

I thought I'd share some photo's of a couple of things that I just finished for a swap. I made these simple little dresses out of paper and machine stitched them to a brown paper bag after I embellished them. I love sewing on paper, although it is not forgiving at all if you make a mistake.

I also made these paper envelopes that can be used for a gift card or little necklace or something. I stitched the top paper to a brown paper bag and then stitched on some paper buttons. The buttons are brown paper bags that I crinkled and then dipped in decoupage glue a couple of times to make them kinda thick and rubbery.

Anyway, I've enjoyed looking at everyone's projects the last couple of days and am so glad that Cathy invited me to join all of you here on Pins and Needles.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hi, my name is Becky and I'm a fabricholic.

Well, I am.
Does anyone else have the "Whoever dies with the most fabric wins" bumper sticker?
It's on my workroom bulletin board.

This year I have been really, really really trying hard to not buy new fabric. (Not buying "new fabric" leaves a loophole for fabric buying at the thrift shops heh heh)

In keeping with my De-Stash 2010 pledge I find myself coming up with some pretty cool combos of fabric.
Last month, I participated in Yarni Gras' Pin-Ups for Hot Mamas Apron Swap.
Tons of fun! And there were so many amazing creations!!

I sent my swap partner this
and these goodies.
I was handstitching like a crazy woman. Not sure why but for some reason I wanted to do it all (almost all) by hand!

This led me to create an apron for my Sister from another Mister's birthday.
Pam is the best! So I wanted to make her a really special apron.

I embroidered this beauty using one of Jenny Hart's Sublime Stitching patterns!

This one shows the colors better.

I love a big pouffy bow!

Here's the finished apron.
My Sis loved it!!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm crocheting in Georgia

Hello, my name is Doris from Crocheting in Georgia and I enjoy crocheting and knitting. Since it's been so hot here lately, I have lots of indoor crocheting time with Gizzy (my dog) while the A/C runs non-stop.

Because 4th of July is just around the corner, I would like to show you some of my patriotic crocheted items, such as this cotton flower potholder and the cotton chick scrubbie...instead of stuffing the amigurumi with the polyester fiberfill, I stuffed a nylon pot scourer inside, so it can be used to wash the dishes.

I also crocheted these patriotic cotton dish cloths (or wash cloths) and towel toppers (below) and attached the matching terry kitchen towels:

I crocheted this potholder in the Polish Star pattern using red, white and blue cotton yarn and the picture below is of one of my crocheted patriotic rooster potholders.

Another rooster potholder and a patriotic bee hanger:

Below is my crocheted cotton wash cloth (or dish cloth) set and some patriotic cotton star coasters:

 Let me just add that it took me a long time to get into Pins and Needles, but with the perseverance and help from Cathy (CJ) of From Cathy With Love...I am finally here. Cathy really put her all into helping me. Thank you, Cathy, I appreciate your persistence! What a pleasure it's been to discover a Kindred Spirit!

And lastly a word from the dog (my Gizzy):

"Be cool, Baby"
(Yeah, Gizzy's a big time Clifford fan!)

 Here's wishing you all a very happy and safe Independence Day!