I hated the closing of Ning Pins and Needles blog.
I hope we get a lot of people joining in on this blog ;)
I can hardly wait to see what everyone shares with our readers.
***** ATTENTION****
I am new to this group posting thing... I was up very late working on the site.. but it appears I still have errors... Please mark yourself as a favorite, and send me and email at AuntPittyPatsfun@yahoo.com so I can add you as an author of this blog :) You must receive and invitation to be an author on this blog.. so if you didn't get one please email me.
Some of you have received new invitations.. so please follow the instructions :)
Thank you!!
I think this is a fab idea!!! Thanks Aunt PP!
And if you are mean as the day is long then you must live where there are teeny tiny days!
LoL Becky your such a sweetie to say such kind things ;)
I'm thinking she might just be mean with a sweet side. ;) Perhaps it's her job???
Wow! You did stay up late!!! and this is all my fault?? It was just an idea I had, but I'm sure glad to see you went ahead with it! Hope this isn't putting you out. If you want/need any help, please let me know:)
This looks awesome!! and I think we are going to have fun with it!
You are very welcome... We are starting to get our followers from pins signing up.. I am so excited ;)
Thank goodness! I would have missed you all!
I'll email ya in just a sec sweetie!
thanks for all your hard work
You are very welcome :) I am so glad you didn't miss us :)
Thanks for the invite. I've never done this kind of thing before. I have been a guest blogger, but don't know what it means to be a contributor. How often? Let me know.
I see you don't sit around thinking for long APP - thanks for putting this together.
I'm sure you're mean bones have taken leave and been replaced with lots of nice ones.
See you round these parts soon.r
Thank you to all those who have made this site possible.
Have a great day!!
So glad you joined us over here, Karen!
Karen thanks for coming .. all of us really did need to stay together. We have gain some awesome sewing buddies over on the Ning site. I really enjoy chatting on Sat's and seeing all of your wonderful creations...
Lets go forth and sew sew sew until we wear out our machines... I don't know what you think.. but I think that's is a lot of sewing ;)
He He He ;)
Happy stitching no ripping ;)
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