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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reprint from APP's

 Tote Handles
Carol asked how I make my Easy Peasy tote handles....
It's hard to explain without a photo.... I hope my Photo example helps.
First I decide what color I want my Main fabric. I cut this strip to 2 1/2" wide and desired length. (I cut these strips from centerfold to selvage on the material. I use my ruler and rotary cutter). Fold this strip in half and press wrong sides together with edges even to one side, and the ironed crease on the other side. Open the Main strip and fold and press the raw edges to the center as indicated in the photo.
This is the same way you would make a bias strip.
Cut a piece of batting 1" in width and the desired length. This batting strip is placed inside and down the center of the main fabric fold. Press all of this flat. Cut a 1 1/2" wide accent strip with desired length.
This accent strip is also made like a bias strip.
To construct.. Place the main fabric and batting with raw edges up. Next Pin the raw edges of the small bias to the cover the raw edges of the main fabric opening. As shown in the photo. Stitch down either side of the small bias to secure it and cover any openings.
I have found I love adding the accent trim to the handle.. but you can make them the old fashion way.
4 inch strips.. fold in half then fold in half and stitch down either side of strip to secure. If I do a handle this way I also add a bit of iron on interfacing to make them a bit stronger and not so wimpy.
I hope your not to confused with my instructions. Once you make one.. you will understand my concept.

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Shopping Bags and a Triple Zip Pouch

I want to share with you my latest creations
I uploaded a tutorial on my blog where I show how to make this  shopping
bags and a mini tutorial showing how to make the  tag.

 If you are interested in seeing my tutorial, this is the link
I was also busy trying to finish this triple zip pouch

I decided to participate in a triple zip along and finished my triple 
pouch just in time. In my post you will find links to all the tutorials to
sew this pouch, and a link to the online course in craftsy, it  was a
course I took and that has inspired me to create the main fabric for this
from this
to this
To view this post, here is the link
I am happy to share with you my creations, I hope you enjoy them as well as I enjoyed to complete them.
Have a nice day.

Marisa :)