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Friday, December 23, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sewin', Crochetin' and Gettin' Creative......Oh My!

Here's some of the things I've been making the last month.
I've been really busy trying to put things in my Etsy Shop to make money for Christmas.

 I crocheted this slouchy hat and a cowl neck scarf
out of a wool and acrylic blend yarn. 
I just kinda made up the pattern off of other hats that I've made.

 another slouchy hat of of a mixture of tweed yarns.

 and I crocheted this rug out of recycled bed sheets.
Can you guess which 2 characters are the main part of the rug?

 These snowmen looked really cute when I put them on a piece of jute
 and added some strips of torn fabric onto the jute. 
My picture of that didn't turn out to well though.

 I love this little dress ornament. 
 I've made dresses out of paper and used them as garland before,
 but I saw some larger fabric dresses on Etsy and loved them,
 so here's my version. 
I made several little dresses and accessorized each one a little different.
This dress I crocheted a collar and cuffs onto the dress and then added a crocheted hand muff.

and then I've been really busy making little felt ornaments and pins. 
 I wanted to get my brother a bottle of wine for Christmas so I made a reversible bag with a handle, then attached a piece of jute that I crocheted and added a felt ornament. 

Everyone is getting homemade gifts this year from us
so I better get busy and finish up some of my other projects.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hats, Hats, and More Hats

I have been busy lately crocheting some fun hats... A friend on Facebook wanted some fish hats for her kids. I played with a few patterns until I came up with these.

My Daughter's (20) friend Beth has a small-ish dog that she just loves. I saw this doggie snowman hat and just had to make it for her. Suzi's head is a bit larger than her dog's but I needed a model.  Suzi tolerates me so well.

Beth asked if I could please make her a hat and she decided on a puppy hat. I gave it to her last week and she wore it when they went to a concert over in Miami lol. She definitely loves her hat!

Beth's brother Peter loves tigers and lions and most big cats so I decided he should have a silly animal hat too.  I used this pattern  but since Peter is 18 I gave him smaller fuzzy cheeks.  He will be getting his hat this weekend.

I had made a kitty kat scarf and purse for a little girl recently so I thought it would be fun to make a kitty kat hat to match.

and finally...I also made this toddler sized owl hat from a pattern I purchased. I don't have it in front of me at the moment so I can't tell you where I found it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Stockings

Alright ladies, it's time to get back to posting.  I love reading about everything you are working on and seeing how it's Christmas time I'm guessing many of you have projects that are either made, being made or on the ever growing to do list. 
To keep the blog from dying like it's currently doing or has done, how about we try to post something at least once a week?  Who wants to share?  Come on you know you have some awesome project that is going to inspire us.

Alright at the risk of ruining the surprise for Cheryl I'm going to show a little glimpse of my almost completed stocking for Aunt Pitty Pat's stocking swap.  Earlier this week I got my stocking in the mail from Cheryl and it's AWESOME.  Really, you all should be jealous she was my partner.  It's okay if you want to shed a few tears because you didn't join the swap or didn't have Cheryl.  Now dry your eyes and keep a watch over at APP's for her next swap.  It might be a while before she does another, but I can guarantee it will be fun.

Okay, here's the peak at my stocking for Cheryl...

I was going to give you a looksy at the top but I'm going to save it. =)  This is the heel of the stocking.

Now Cheryl's stocking for me... is it fair to share her work?  Ah, why not.  She can come on and add to it.  It's still stuffed with all the goodies she sent other then the ornament.  I want to be able to hang it on my tree so I took it out of the stocking.  I decided to wait on everything else.  I figure my husband is deployed so I might as well save some surprises for myself. =)  BTW, I took these with my phone so they are on the dark side and the color isn't spot on.

 I love that she used random buttons.  I like adding buttons to my daughter's clothes to make flowers, butterflies, ect.
 Here's a closer look at the snowflake.  My favorite part is the little beads on each point.
 Check this guy out.  No, all snowmen DON'T have to be made up of three balls.  Besides his happy face and the mittens on his stick arms, I love his BIG buttons. =)  Perhaps I'm just a button fan?  Hmmm...  Cheryl you might just be getting come buttons on yours.
And here it is!!!!  Notice the toe and heel of the stocking are both pointed.  Love it!  Thanks Cheryl!