Links For FREE Patterns and Tutorials

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Did It!!

I am taking a crochet class here in my town.
I have only been to 2 classes so far!!
I love it and am having so much fun. 
I have always wanted to learn the correct way to crochet. 
This may not be perfect but I did it myself!!
I just wanted to share my excitement.
You can read more about it on my BLOG!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Skye Reve Fabrics Give-Away #13 - Who wants to WIN a $25 Shop Credit?

Skye Reve Fabrics Give-Away #13 - Who wants to WIN a $25 Shop Credit?

Would be handy for us Aussie o/s crafters....with the dollar being so good against the greenback!

Good Luck

Preschool Teacher Gift

Last month my daughter completed her first year of school.  It didn't technically count seeing how it was preschool for three year olds or K3.

Her teacher was an amazing lady who made every penny of her private school tuition worth it.  What we didn't know until the end of the year was that her husband's job moved him back in November.  The teacher stayed back to both finish the year with her students and to allow her two kids to finish the year.  We are so thankful she did.  In the years past she taught K4 and was able watch the children grow throughout the years. 

On Kaitlyn Joy's first day of school older kids were popping their heads in to tell their old teacher hello.  I quickly realized Kj wouldn't be able to see her teacher later for quick hellos.  Nor would Mrs M be able to see her last 12 grow up. 

I sent an envelope of paper to school asking Mrs M to trace each child's hand.  I then traced the hands onto
 Wonder Under, cut them out, ironed them to green fabric, then cut them out leaving a 1/8" edge all the way around.  I arranged the hands then ironed them on and sewed them down one by one.  I left the 1/8" raw edge so it could fray.

Once the tree was done I finished the outer edge of the quilt top with different strip lengths.  In the first photo you can see an orange square at the bottom.  The Amish put an odd colored patch in their personal quilts to remind themselves that no one is perfect.  I thought that was neat so I added the orange patch to the quilt.  Once the quilt top was done I used the traced hand prints as templates to trace each child's hand print around the tree with blue washable ink.  I also put their name next to their handprint.  I used free motion quilting to add the hands and names to the quilt.
To quilt the outer edge, along the bottom I put, "Mrs M-------'s 2010-2011 Class".  I learned something when doing the year...  it's hard to sew numbers where they are joined and don't look odd.  Starting on the right side and going counterclockwise I sewed a note to the teacher thanking her for planting the seeds of faith into our children and the "address" to the verse about how the mustard seed is one of the smallest yet it grows into a tree.  She loved it!

The last photo is of Kj getting ready to take the quilt to school.  It was the second to the last day and everyone wore pajamas.
EDIT: I forgot to mention I sewed the names, hand prints and boarder note in thread that matched the tree background.  I didn't want the quilting to stand out even though it was special to her.  I figure it was something she could look for and discover.  I had both teachers and the ladies in the front office telling me they saw and loved it.  I told them I was taking bids for who would be Kj's teacher next year. =)  Hey, I have to bring that tuition down somehow.  Hehehe...

*Sorry, I've been MIA ladies.  We had a rough first five months of 2011.  I ended up not making the baby blankets I posted about probably back in March.  I also stopped crocheting the blanket.  At the end of March I had a missed miscarriage.  It was rough time.  Two weeks after the D&C I got the test results back and learned the little girl appeared fine, but the little boy had sever problems.  I'm thankful God knows better then I do and decided to take them both back with him.  My son, if he had made it full term and survived birth, would/could have died minutes after birth, perhaps made it close to a year, or would have been severally handicapped and died at some point during his childhood.  I'm better with all of this now, but wanted you all to know why I've been MIA.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Card Wallet Tutorial

Happy Tuesday (or whatever day it is wherever you live)! I thought I would share a tutorial I whipped up on Apron Valley Road for my card wallet - I use mine for all my cards - debit/credit, store loyalty, driver's license, punch cards and a book of postage stamps (no wonder it's always bulging at the seams!). Here's the link to that post: Card Wallet Tutorial. It will also (I'm told) be on One Pretty Thing's Daily DYI sometime today.

And while you're on Apron Valley Road, take a PEEP at my post about our new chicken "coupe:" Hippie Chicks Chicken Coupe.  I think it goes nicely with the "Chicken Scratch" posts below, LOL! Have a great week!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello Ladies ;)

I was just looking at all the followers that we now have here in Pins and Needles. There are still a few openings for contributors. If you would like to be able to post on the blog.. please send me an E-MAIL and I will send you an invite. You have to be invited and be approved through blogger to be able to post. Everyone is welcome to comment. We love comments ;)
I would love to see some of you that are not posting, post something.  All of us would enjoy seeing your work.. I know I have enjoyed seeing all the wonderful creations.  LOL how do you think we get ideas.. you have to show and tell :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

More Chicken Scratch!

I am in love with Chicken scratch.
This is my second attempt but I had so much fun!!!
I didn't use a pattern. I just traced the butterfly
and went from there.  That is why one wing is bigger than the other!  (lol)
You can see more here!

And this is my third attempt!
I used a pattern from HERE!
Isn't this cottage cute?  I LOVE it!
I worked this on the bigger gingham checks and it was so much easier.
Just thought I would share my excitement!