Boy I bet you thought you would never see a new post from this chick! Sorry about that, just been real busy, I was checking out the date of my last one and its hard to believe that is has been that long ag, where did the months go???? Well I wanted to tell you all that I am a new grandma or NANA as I like to be called again. My oldest had him on her birthday, Sept 14th. It makes him extra special and a big boy at that, he was 10lbs 11 0z.... WOW I could not believe that when she told me. It hurts just thinking about it. And his name is Noah. I have been busy with the ambulance service, keeping things on track and people on call is hard business. We are so short handed that we now share call with Amargosa which is a good hour away. Times are tough and volunteers are scarce. I will try and catch all of you up. Tomorrow I am having rotator cuff surgery so I will be down shortly. Enjoy your week. GOD Bless Everyone.